About us

Accident Assistance Peterborough Ltd is an independent accident management company based in Peterborough. We offer a bespoke accident management service, taking away the hassle of managing an insurance claim whilst ensuring you get back on the road as quickly as possible.

Who we are

If you've been involved in a road traffic accident that was not your fault, our friendly and professional staff will guide you through the whole process step by step. With years of experience in the accident claims sector our focus is to put our customers needs first in order provide the highest possible level of customer service.

What we do

When you retain our services after a non-fault accident, we will recover your damaged vehicle, arrange secure storage, arrange a like-for-like replacement vehicle for your use whilst your own car is unavailable. If your vehicle is repairable we will give you two options

  • 1: Use one of our approved accident repair centres.
  • 2: We can get you a cash in lieu settlement & you choose the repairing garage yourself.

In the event of your vehicle being deemed a total loss (written-off), an independent engineer will provide you a settlement price, based on their view of the car’s market value at the time of the accident. Once your vehicle is repaired or you have received the total loss (write-off) settlement of the damaged vehicle then the hire vehicle should be returned to us.


We do not take any payment from our clients as we recover all our costs directly from insurance company of the fault driver, so that you never have to worry about covering the cost yourself or paying any insurance excess.

We can also help customers to recover personal losses and compensation for injuries that they or their passengers may have sustained in the accident through our panel of qualified specialist solicitors and legal professionals. Our panel of solicitors are based in England and Wales & are regulated and authorised by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Our panel of solicitors can pursue cases for losses such as injuries providing clear and effective advice.

You are free to instruct the solicitor of your choice, and you may be able to pursue via a statutory body such as the motor insurance bureau. We charge our solicitors for the marketing services we provide, and these costs are not passed on to our customers.

Our marketing fees are between 2-3k per month based on how time and resources are used to market the services.