
Loss of earnings & Personal Injury

Over the years we have built a relationship with a panel of experienced loss of earnings and personal injury solicitors, we advertise & market the services of our panel of solicitors.

We charge our solicitors for the marketing services we provide; our marketing fees are between 1-3k per month based on how time and resources are used to market the services. These costs are not passed on to our customers.

If you have been involved in an accident that caused you to become injured, such as by suffering whiplash or any other physical problem, our panel of qualified specialist solicitors and legal can help you with your personal injury claim, guiding you through the whole process and assisting you in achieving a successful resolution.

Like many personal injury firms our panel of solicitors work on a no win no fee basis & the solicitors charge up to 25% of the personal injury claim awarded to you but this will be made clear, both on the phone and in writing to you, prior to any commitment being made.

Typically, customers pay a fee of 25% of the amount recovered for a personal injury claim, the actual fees will be explained by the solicitor to each individual in a language they understand.

The Solicitor may charge a termination fee in the event that that customer terminates the agreement other than during the cancellation period, the termination fee amount will be based around the charges incurred such as engineers fee costs etc